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Hateful leaflets in the Somme. New complaint from the Human Rights League

In June 2023, anti-Semitic and homophobic leaflets were distributed in mailboxes in Hébécourt (Somme), leading to a complaint from the department’s Human Rights League branch. In vain. A second complaint from the association with the constitution of a civil party was to be filed this Monday, June 3, 2024, reports France Blue Picardy .

A new complaint for new investigations?

Purpose of the maneuver: “relaunch the investigation since it is a serious subject on which the Human Rights League does not intend to weaken”, explained to our colleagues the lawyer of the association, Maître Stéphane Diboundje. This complaint for “public provocation to discrimination, hatred or violence, public defamation, public insult and apology for crimes against humanity” was sent to the judicial court of Amiens (Somme).

“White man, are you tired of seeing Jews destroy your country through immigration, queer-LGBT degeneration and war?was notably written on the leaflets. Join us to restore white domination in Europe. » The pamphlets referred to the DemPart website, specifies France Info. The platform, hosted in the United States, is still visible despite a request from the courts to block it in 2018.

Advice for leaflet conveyors

Other letters were also found in Belfort (Territoire de Belfort) and Quissac (Gard) at the end of 2023, details the local radio station. These leaflets, their transport and their distribution had been the subject of“a certain number of instructions […] on the operating mode » to adopt, said Maître Stéphane Diboundje. In particular, it was recommended to wear gloves so as not to leave fingerprints or to park far from the distribution location.


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