DayFR Euro

Ambrières-les-Vallées. I tested the elementary primary studies certificate for you

Among the many activities offered during this “day of fitness and conviviality”, there was the elementary primary studies certificate test. I decide to register to test my knowledge.

Four vigilant correctors, an experienced professor and twenty-five candidates (including five men) ready to take on the challenge. Anonymous copies identified by a number. Dictation preceded by the express request to avoid the legs of flies: an m is written with 2 bridges and an n with a bridge”, recalls teacher Maryvonne Picaut, retired teacher.

Mental calculation: keep your finger in the air while listening to the operation so as not to succumb to the temptation to perform the operation, then at the signal note down the answer, you have to be quick.

In science, the diagram of the respiratory system and the digestive system are to be captioned. We’re looking for where the pancreas could be, where the spleen is hidden, and it looks like an ear, it’s located in the head but it’s part of the digestive system… what could that mean? well-being ? Ah of course, it was the salivary glands… we learn from the correction.

“I should have revised”

In geography, give the name of the mountains which separate France from Italy, etc. or even: cite the countries which have a common border with France. In history, I should have revised my knowledge of the Second World War. Among the exercises, here is one: defeated Germany capitulates on… at… The date I remember (May 8), but the place, my memory fails me. I decide to leave it blank. It failed for 10 out of 10 in history.

When the dreaded calculation arrived, I used the excuse of being absent to take photos in all bad faith. I let my friends calculate the cost price in francs of a jar of jam. My zero points in problem solving are fortunately not eliminatory.

After two hours of concentration, I left the “test”, tired by this return to the past, but reassured to have obtained my diploma.


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