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Villeneuve-sur-Lot. Paulette Boudon, a life spent collecting

the essential
On the occasion of the 30th collectors’ fair which takes place on Sunday at the exhibition centre, Paulette Boudon, president of the philatelic club, looks back on a life of passion.

Paulette Boudon has only been president of the Villeneuvois philatelic club for 2 years, but her history with this club is much older. “The club was created in 1964. And since its creation, in which I participated with Michel Fontanié, I have remained its secretary. And all my life, I have made collections.”

An occupation at the start, like all young people of his age, in the schoolyard. “With friends, we exchanged stamps. It allowed us to travel, to discover countries we had never heard of. And I was always encouraged by my father.” It was chance that made her meet Michel Fontanié who wanted to create a philatelic club in Villeneneuve. She embarked on this new adventure and since then, the collections have not left her side.

“Like everyone, I started with stamps. And then, I specialized in themes, revolving around stamps. I started with the theme of roses.” Stamps and envelopes from all over the world are neatly stored in plastic folders. “Then I moved on to sailboats and lighthouses.” Here too, everything is well classified and ordered. And if they are so well stored, it is because they have traveled a lot.

Trips by proxy

“In all clubs around the world, competitions during exhibitions are often organized. And the Villeneuve club participates in this type of competition. So I sent some of my most accomplished collections to be judged by other enthusiasts. And they traveled a lot. The most was a long time ago, in Australia. Obviously, I couldn’t go there by proxy.

Now, she collects “just to please myself. I did a series on cops and another on pink flamingos”. Collections for which she takes the same care.

Since Paulette Boudon took over as president of the club, she has continued to take care of the lounge. “But it will last as long as it has to last. Young people are no longer interested in the collections. It’s a shame. This year, we have 24 exhibitors and the show will be open Sunday June 2 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m..”

As for the most surprising collection she has seen, “it’s not far away, in Castillonès. One of my friends has a collection of shells from all over the world. It’s really surprising and splendid.”



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