DayFR Euro

Swore. Prison officers: fear must change sides | Weekly 39

A bouquet offered by a journalist on the door of the remand center in Lons-le-Saunier. Another in a vase nearby brought by a police officer from the city police station. A woman who stops her car on the sidewalk to express her support for prison officers: “We have to act as a team.”

The guards of the Jura prison received multiple messages of support following the fatal attack on a prison van in Eure on Tuesday May 14. The MP, Danielle Brulebois, also wanted to come and show her “support, respect and sympathy”, Friday May 17. “I am always concerned about your safety from the delinquents, the criminals, with whom you deal day and night,” she told them.

Ban two-agent extractions

The professionals expressed their pain and anger to him.
“We have been saying for years that a tragedy was going to happen. Your words are very good, but there is not much in your actions. Budgets have been cut. We are not talking to you about salary increases. It’s not because we are given more money that we have to go and get shot outside,” replied Laurent Boitrand, deputy regional delegate of the Ufap-Unsa Dijon regional union.

Danielle Brulebois had contacted the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, the day before, who had sent her his statement of decisions following his meeting with the inter-union association.
Prison officers have expressed their wish that the government go further on certain projects. For example, extending anti-drone and cell phone jamming devices to all establishments, providing the region with a narcotics specialty dog, banning and not “limiting” extractions to two agents, etc.
The Jurassians also want the deputies to legislate to force judges to travel to prisons for dangerous prisoners.

“It is better to be a prison inmate than an old man in a nursing home”

For them, the real problem is the dismantling of weapons. “We know where they are. We spoke about it to the prefect who shrugs his shoulders. What worries me is that you seem powerless,” lamented Laurent Boitrand. “As soon as we touch on freedom, in the national assembly, there is a reaction. The problem is the protection of freedoms. For example, all cities should be equipped with video surveillance,” replied Danielle Brulebois.

The staff had strong words:
“We must be aware that the prison population has changed. In 2024, it is better to be a prison inmate than an old man in a nursing home,” said Yannick Michaud, local manager.
“If prison guards, police officers, gendarmes… are afraid for their safety, will we be able to protect citizens?” asked Laurent Boitrand. There are thugs who sow terror and it works… We must turn the tide! »

The MP, Danielle Brulebois, also wanted to come and show her “support, respect and sympathy” to the Jura prison officers.

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