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Soulac 1900, let the party begin

Dfor a few days already, we have noticed the organization of a recurring annual phenomenon which has been occurring for twenty-one years in the streets as the first weekend of June approaches, the resort of Soulac-sur-Mer has taken a leap back more than a hundred years for two days!

A game you say? Nothing is less certain, as the metamorphosis is spectacular for those who take care to dress up, the 20th century fades away to return to the delights of Soulac-les-Bains. This is the magic of the Soulac 1900 festival. It will begin on Friday May 31 at the Palais des Congrès, with the feathers and glitter of a “French Touch” music hall show, ending on Sunday June 2 in panache. of smoke from the steam locomotive after irradiating Soulac.

The birth of cinema

The 2024 festival explores a previously unpublished domain, that of the birth of cinema. Passionate about images and cinematographic techniques will be able to satisfy their thirst for knowledge free of charge in the museum set up at the L’Océanic cinema and watch authentic period films continuously on screen (rented at a high price). at Pathé Gaumont by the Label Soulac association which organizes Soulac 1900).

The public will thus be able to discover or rediscover the pioneers of cinema, Georges Méliès, the Lumière brothers, Émile Cohl, father of cartoons, Max Linder and the pioneers, Alice Guy, Lotte Reiniger, Hedy Lamarr. You might even come across Charlie Chaplin in the streets.

The (complete) steam train, to which a car had to be added, will arrive on Saturday June 1 from Bordeaux at Soulac station after a stopover in Pauillac. Only people in costumes are allowed on board. The rule is valid for the television film crew of “Échappées belles”. France Bleu Gironde and Charente as well as TV7 are partners of the festival.

Arrival of the train at Soulac.

Archives Label Soulac

Old vehicles, horse-drawn carriages, carousels, artisans of yesteryear, musicians, dancers, circus performers, magicians, actors, the fantastic cars of Nomad Nomad, will be omnipresent in the streets and on the beach. To take the study certificate exams, you must register at the Tourist Office and nowhere else. New for 2024: penholder writing workshops will be offered. Sunday at 12 p.m. on the beach, Jean-Marie Andreux and the Tréteaux de sable troupe will host the parade of the most elegant 1900 family.

Guided tours of the ancient village on the paths of the Belle Époque will be offered by appointment at the Tourist Office. Another important moment, the auction of old vintages by Me Royère from the Jean-Dit-Cazeaux and associates firm. A bargain that seems very promising.

Parades, processions, concerts will invade the station, until the final hullabaloo, Place de la Basilique, after the farewell to the steam train which will take the festival-goers back to Bordeaux. They will have had two days to meditate on the mayor’s welcome speech at Soulac station, usually full of spoonerisms.



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