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Philosophy workshops for children: learning to think together

In Langres, children also have their “philosophy moment”, hosted in a fun way by Lysiane Girault. Discovery.

As part of the Popular University, the Taste of Others enjoys offering diverse and varied themes, and especially for all generations. Therefore, why not approach philosophy from an original angle?

Especially since Lysiane, trained bySeve association (Knowledge and living together)in charge of the workshops intended for 6-8 year olds (Thursday October 24 at 2 p.m.), then for 8-10 year olds (Friday October 25 at 10:30 a.m.), has put together a program specially adapted. “Philosophy is first of all demonstrating that it is not the image that most people have of it, namely something inaccessible. To philosophize is already to ask questions. What children do very easily »underlines Lysiane.

Open up to others

From then on, she will give them keys in order to learn to construct their thoughtsto express themselves with the right words, to exchange with each other, “which, today, tends to be lost to the extent that they are often behind their screens and are no longer used to communicating”.

“To philosophize is already to ask questions”

An essential point, because during the workshops the children will learn to open up to othersto think and build together “to listen to yourself and not judge yourself”. A set of notions and values which the speaker obviously addresses after having prepared her young audience, for example by granting them, at the start of the workshop, a moment of inner calm to help them center themselves.

So, by means of a supportlike a story, an image or a song, Lysiane will suggest tackling a theme, such as this time imagination, in encouraging children to express themselves and ask questions. A progression which quickly leads them to dialogue, to respond to each other, to give their own feelings, their opinion while explaining why and arguing.

An hour of constructive and enriching discussions, approached in a fun wayto the great pleasure of the children who never fail to express themselves without restraint during the short final restitution. Moreover, generally, children conclude with: “When are you coming back?” » With such an approach, it is obvious that philosophy is also for children!

Practical Free entry and participation for the benefit of the association Le Goût des autres Information and registration Tel. 06 14 84 52 16


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