DayFR Euro

Lisa Mazzone: “This legislature will be one of referendums”

“This legislature will be one of referendums. We will have to put an end to the ideological excesses of this right-wing majority in the Federal Council and Parliament.” It is in these terms that the president of the Greens, Lisa Mazzone, addressed the delegates of her party, gathered in assembly on Saturday in Herisau (AR).

La Genevoise has launched a strong criticism of the government’s economic program. “While we are cutting climate protection and equal opportunities, military spending is going up,” she told delegates, according to the written version of her speech.

However, the finances of the Confederation are doing well, according to her. But “to spend additional billions on the army, the Federal Council is cutting crèches, night trains, public transport, energy renovation of buildings, colleges and universities, health insurance subsidies, etc. “AVS and of course development aid and culture,” she insisted.

And to sharply criticize: “It is a partisan project which imposes a step backwards wherever society has progressed. It is a retrograde project that ignores the great challenges of our time. It is an isolationist project directed against women, against young people, against the future,” she said. “Members of the Federal Council have remained stuck in their youth – the army, the highways and nuclear power,” she continued.

On the question of the atom, the Greens adopted a resolution which announced the launch, if necessary, of a referendum against Albert Rösti’s plan to authorize new power stations. “An absurd idea from the point of view of climate and security of supply, and which is really very expensive,” according to them.

The party also unanimously approved the initiative of the Young Greens submitted to the people on February 25 on environmental responsibility. The text calls for an economy respecting planetary limits within 10 years.

The Green Liberals give their slogans for November 24

Delegates from the Green Liberal Party (PVL) also met in an assembly on Saturday in Rüschlikon (ZH). He gave his slogans for the votes on November 24, the polls of which predict close scores. The PVL opposes the widening of motorways and supports uniform financing of health services. On the other hand, it is divided on the two objects relating to lease law. He rejects the tightening of the provisions governing subletting by 139 votes to 22. But he says yes by 116 votes to 43 to the simplification of termination for own needs.


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