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The PLR ​​toughens its tone and adopts a text to “stop illegal migration” –

Meeting in an assembly in Tenero (TI) on Saturday, PLR delegates almost unanimously adopted a position paper on illegal migration. The party wants a more systematic return of applicants who are not entitled to asylum and wants to act more firmly against delinquent migrants and medical tourism.

The document which ratifies the party’s position on migration was adopted by 228 votes to 4 with 8 abstentions. “Our migration system no longer works and confidence (of the population) is eroding,” noted to the delegates the co-president of the working group which developed the position paper, the Vaud MP Florence Bettschart-Narbel.

The president of the liberal-radicals, Aargau-born Thierry Burkart, for his part underlined in his closing speech the importance for the PLR, as a party close to the people, to take a position on illegal migration. The subject concerns people, he said.

The right-wing party, which has toughened its tone on the asylum issue in recent months, is demanding targeted border controls to stop applicants who are not entitled to asylum. He also pleads for the “immediate and effective” return of rejected applicants and those who have filed an asylum application in another state signatory to the Dublin agreement.

In the document entitled “Stopping illegal migration”, the PLR ​​asks the Confederation to exert more pressure on certain cantons which apply “insufficiently and ineffectively” decisions to return rejected asylum seekers. He wants to reduce the federal subsidies that these cantons receive.

Linking asylum and development aid

Illegal immigration poses a security problem for the population, particularly on trains and stations, according to the PLR. “Petty crime associated with groups of migrants originating, for example, from Maghreb countries, has increased in recent years,” according to the party.

He wants these “petty criminals” to be returned immediately and, if that is not possible, to be placed in “centers for illegal immigrant offenders until their return.” Today, only those representing a “significant danger” can be placed in these centers, criticizes the PLR.

The liberal-radicals also want to suspend development aid to states which do not agree to take back their rejected compatriots. Certain readmission agreements, notably with the Maghreb countries, must be conditional on development aid, insisted Florence Bettschart-Narbel.

Some French-speaking voices have expressed their concern about the stigmatization of certain groups of migrants. They were not heard.

>> Details from Rouven Gueissaz to Tenero:

The assembly of PLR delegates is being held this Saturday in Tenero (TI). Details from Rouven Gueissaz / 12:45 p.m. / 1 ​​min. / today at 12:45

Limit family reunification

The PLR ​​also wants to tighten the screws for recognized refugees: only those who can provide for the needs of their family themselves should be entitled to family reunification. The family reunification of refugees entails high costs for the cantons or municipalities, estimates the PLR.

The position paper also sends a clear message to migrants who abuse the asylum system. He cites in particular the cases of sick Georgians filing asylum applications to benefit from expensive medical treatments at the expense of Swiss taxpayers. On this point, Vaud State Councilor Isabelle Moret denounced that, in her canton, ten people from Georgia are waiting for a transplant, thus taking the place of Swiss patients.

A response to the poor federal election score

The document adopted by delegates on Saturday is a response from the PLR ​​to its poor score in the federal elections a year ago. The party published a position paper on compulsory schooling in June.

PLR Federal Councilor Ignazio Cassis welcomed on Saturday the emphasis placed by his party on themes that concern people. He recognized that the PLR ​​experienced not easy times after the 2023 elections. Karin Keller-Sutter was not present in Tenero.



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