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in the colleges of Seine-et-, the new canteen provider worries


Maxime Berthelot

Published on

Oct 18, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.

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This is the big news of the year for the 132 colleges of Seine-et-Marne. Since the start of the 2024 school yeartheir cellars is supplied by the Approv’Halles platform, located in Provins. This new system should allow the chefs of each establishment toprepare meals from seasonal fruits and vegetables, poultry regionally raised and dairy products, the whole being labeled local or bio.

“In order to offer our young people local, fresh and quality products, we have in fact chosen to set up this platform at the start of the school year in September 2024, alongside the Île-de- Region, explains the Department. This unique project in France aims to collect, transformer, condition et deliver products in our colleges. A major step forward for our territory, because it supports both local production and processing, while creating jobs. »

A petition launched by parents of students at a college in Seine-et-Marne

Only that’s it. Almost two months after its implementation, the system does not convince some parents. To the point that certain representatives of Jean-Rostand college, in Bray-sur-Seine, launched an online petition to “demand” from the community “better diet” for their children.

“Since September, the Department of Seine-et-Marne has managed our canteens and has promised an ‘upgrade’ of our meals,” they write. However, we only see insufficient quantities and one deplorable quality meals. Our children are coming home hungryafter eating incomplete meals. We demand that the centralization platform rectify its deliveries. »

The elected parents of college students, with whom we were able to speak, speak for example of cucumbers who would be “arrived moldy”, preventing the cook from serving them, thus depriving the children of their starter of the day. “Another time, 300 steaks only were delivered for 520 middle school students registered in the canteen, when it is not the other way around, as when the college saw the arrival 2,000 yogurts! », they say.

The Approv’Halles platform “may have been deployed too quickly”

In Fontenay-Trésigny, the parents’ association of Stéphane-Mallarmé college is also sounding the alarm. ” Before, we had a great canteenso the situation we have been experiencing since the start of the school year is not happening, says indignant Élodie Marques, president of the association Their future begins today (Tired) . The new platform may have improved things in certain establishments, but in our case, we see a problem of quality and diversityproducts. Our children eat sometimes the same meal three days a weekwithout it corresponding to the menus that we were given. The meals served may be different depending on the first and second service, and the college has already received spoiled or expired food. That’s a lot, knowing that we don’t have no visibility on invoicing. »

According to our information, the colleges of Bray and Fontenay are not the only ones in this case. Several establishments have reported dysfunctions linked to the supply of their canteens to the Department, starting in September 2024. “In principle, it’s very good, but it has may have been deployed too quickly …”, we confide in those around certain establishments.

It must be said that the figures announcedby the community are ambitious . Approv’Halles provides the 132 collegeset 55 high schools in Seine-et-Marneeither 6 million meals per year , 300 agricultural productsreferenced, 4,500 tonnes of fruits and vegetablesall while working with nearly 40 partner farms. The platform must also ultimately supply the 170 high schools of the Créteil academy which also includes the Seine-Saint-Denisand the Val-de-Marne .

“Immediate and concrete measures have been taken,” promises the Department

Contacted, the departmental council confirms having read the petition launched by the parents of students at the Jean-Rostand college in Bray-sur-Seine. These will also be received in the coming days by the community, which has also responded by mail to the elected parents of students in Fontenay-Trésigny.

“The health and well-being of children remain at the heart of our priorities,” recalls the Department, which recognizes a delay in ignition. As with any project of this scale, a period of adaptationis however necessary to adjust to new information and supply systems. These changes can sometimes cause difficultieseven resistors . We remain fully committed to supporting all those involved, in collaboration with the local public company Approv’Halles and the chefs, to respond together to each new challenge that we may encounter. »

Before promising an improvement in the situation in the coming weeks: “Immediate and concrete measures have been takenas soon as it proves necessary and allow us today to get to grips with the month of November in better conditions. »

“We will be vigilantwarns Élodie Marques. If the quality and quantity of meals served do not improve, we will organizeconcrete actions. »

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