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“Macky Sall will not go to Senegal…”

A president who raised the voice of Senegal and Africa internationally.

In an interview with DakarActu, the senior advisor for international affairs spoke about the political situation in Senegal and the “return of Macky” to the political scene. Erwan Davoux, firstly, indicates that Macky Sall’s voice is respected and appreciated on the international scene. “It must be remembered that in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the head of state, Macky Sall, clearly declared that Africa did not have to commit to one of the two parties, because it was not an African war, even if the continent suffered its negative consequences. » To mitigate them, he committed to an exception on food products in the sanctions imposed against Russia. This approach resulted in the lifting of the blockade on Ukrainian grain stocks destined for Africa. » As for the other conflict, notably that of the Middle East, Davoux speaks of the prioritization of human lives and the permanent violations of international law and humanitarian law which are unbearable.

Thus, he added, under Macky Sall, Senegal weighed in major world affairs. It is enough, according to him, to remember in particular its essential role in the Gambian post-electoral crisis in 2017 to ensure respect for the democratic choice. On the international level, too, he has shown himself to be a great defender of African interests, with success. Appointed to head ECOWAS during his first mandate, Erwan Davoux recognizes this defense of the position according to which “economic integration was an imperative for the continent”.

In this first intervention in this interview, the former candidate for the French legislative elections believes that President Macky Sall supported the cause of the entry of one of the 54 African states as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council or the African Union at the G20. He will also note, in his assessment, that the AU ended up joining the G20 as a permanent member. “It must be emphasized that many observers consider that Macky Sall has made Senegalese diplomacy shine. »

The emerging Senegal Plan, major infrastructure and opening up…

The other area which will have left its mark in the former president’s assessment was the Emerging Senegal Plan (PSE) aimed at leading Senegal on the path to emergence by 2035. “The objective is to all the more credible as Senegal has recently become a producer of gas and oil. » Nevertheless, it remains to avoid the curse of the “rent economy”. Indeed, a risk of dependence can quickly develop in the absence of diversification and confidence of international investors.

Major infrastructure and territorial equity projects have marked Macky Sall’s presidency. As evidenced by the doubling of Senegal’s electrical power in 7 years or the 30% of renewable energy in its energy mix, maintained Davoux, pointing out that one of its great achievements also remains the new city of Diaminadio , which promises to be a major economic hub. According to him, it is of strategic importance since Senegal’s pharmaceutical industry will be located there.

In terms of road infrastructure, Macky Sall had the railway built for the Regional Express Train (TER), linking Dakar to the city of Diaminadio then to the Blaise Diagne international airport, passing through several suburbs. He also inaugurated the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) to relieve congestion in the capital. In Dakar, but especially in the interior of the country, under Macky Sall, many roads were built, thus facilitating the exchange of goods and services. It was one of his priorities. Indeed, while he was preparing to be a presidential candidate, Macky Sall had traveled his country, including the most remote places, and had measured the scale of the task to be carried out. In the most remote rural areas, villages formerly deprived of water and electricity have gained access to these services thanks to these programs. The rural electrification rate in Senegal increased from 27 to 58%.

Obviously, the main issue is that its achievements benefit the greatest number of people, to better distribute wealth. But before distributing them, they must be produced.

A remote political fight to preserve the achievements and issues of the legislative elections

The former president therefore recently returned to Cambouis and took the head of the Takku Wallu Senegal coalition. “. A fight that he will wage from a distance, according to the senior advisor for international affairs. “Macky Sall will not go to Senegal. He will respect a tradition: former Senegalese heads of state have always chosen to move away from their country, temporarily, at the end of their mandate. Macky Sall’s predecessors had chosen : he opted for Morocco and thus remained on the African continent. » Nevertheless, “the most present absentee from Senegal” will exercise, he says, “a powerful moral magisterium on the campaign”. What could be the issues concerning him?

First of all, to prevent his supporters from being tempted to disperse in the absence of the leader, especially since there is no heir. Amadou Ba seems to distance himself after his defeat in the legislative elections.

More than anything, the challenge for the opposition seems to be not to give full powers to Pastef. “Indeed, the former President had to deal with a fragile majority which does not allow everything and which forces compromises. » Whereas a political force that manages to bring together more than 3/5th of the deputies could almost do whatever it wants, including profoundly modifying the Constitution. With all the risks that this entails…” According to our interviewee, democracy requires checks and balances to function in the best way. “Giving all the powers to one person is taking a big risk.” In France, the French people have often chosen to entrust the Presidency to a personality from one political family and the majority in the National Assembly to another camp. It is cohabitation that allows a certain balance. “The President has the role of arbiter and ensures the higher interests of the nation, and the Prime Minister has the role of leading daily action,” he said.

According to Erwan Davoux, “no one is a prophet in his own country” and everyone has a tendency to overestimate the negative aspects internally when foreigners consider us enviable. This is true for the French as for the Senegalese. “Everyone aspires to perfection and to always improve through change.” However, seen from a little further away, Senegal has remained this country where electoral deadlines are respected, mandates not extended, elections sincere. This is undoubtedly an exception, while in the region some have been in power for several decades. Senegal remains an exceptional country, democratic, stable and oriented towards the future. Let’s hope it remains so…” concludes Erwan.


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