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A pleasant but above all very useful living room.

A successful first edition for the Salon Bien Vieillir in Mirande

Saturday October 5, the Community of Communes Cœur d’Astarac in Gascony and the Conference of Funders for the Prevention of Loss of Autonomy in Gers (CFPPA) organized their first Aging Well Fair in the Gers sub-prefecture.

From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the region’s resources for aging well and maintaining autonomy gathered at the Salle André Beaudran to raise awareness, prevent and inform the public. Aimed at people aged 60 and over and caregivers, the event brought together no less than 21 speakers covering many areas: health, sleep, nutrition, digital technology, access to rights, adapted sport, mutual insurance, CIAS and CCAS , game library, housing adaptation, road safety, social life and first aid.

Patrick FANTON President of the Community of Communes Cœur d’Astarac in Gascony and Ms BOUE Vice-President of the Departmental Council opened this first edition by recalling the interest of this Fair and their desire and that of the communities they represent to bring together here speakers and interlocutors who could be useful to elderly people, thus facilitating procedures while carrying out prevention among the public.

The Vice-President notably recalled the Department’s desire to get involved in the lives of seniors by offering them adapted services and above all to work on their place in society by intervening on the components of their lives. It is with this in mind that the Global Solidarity Scheme was adopted in 2023. Faced with this observation of the rapid aging of the population in the Gers, actions have already been implemented through the CFPPA with elderly people and caregivers and through the establishment of numerous calls for projects.

After thanking all the organizers, the show was officially opened!

And the visitors, coming from the surrounding towns, and from much further afield such as Beaumarchés or even Villecomtal, had clearly understood the importance of this meeting for them. Some followed very specific objectives and were able to leave with answers, a smile on their faces and sometimes even reassured. Others, who came only to identify the different organizations, were able to find the contacts and information necessary for their efforts. Some have even, through workshops or activities, discovered services that can answer their questions.

A more than successful objective for this very first edition.


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