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The NFP proposes ten measures that would increase revenues by 49 billion euros

The NFP presented at a press conference ten measures which would increase revenues by 49 billion euros, in particular the restoration of the ISF and the end of employer exemptions for salaries above two minimum wage.

The New Popular Front presented on Wednesday during a press conference at the Assembly ten measures from its legislative program, which would make it possible to increase State and Social Security revenues by 49 billion euros, on the eve of the presentation of budgetary texts to the Council of Ministers.

“This government prefers (…) to sacrifice public services, retirees and the ecological transition rather than sufficiently raise compulsory deductions on those who have been completely spared from the national effort in recent years,” denounce the four groups of the NFP in their press kit.

The most lucrative measure, which would bring in 15 billion euros, the reestablishment of a reinforced ISF, including a climate component, accompanied by a reform of the “exit tax”, a measure to combat the tax exile of taxpayers .

Elimination of reductions in charges and taxes for businesses

The NFP also proposes to put an end to employer exemptions for salaries above two minimum wage, which according to the left alliance would bring in 8 billion euros, to refocus the Research Tax Credit (3 billion euros); to remove the “flat tax” or single flat-rate levy (PFU), which “results in capital income being taxed less than labor income” (2.5 billion euros); to reform taxation on inheritances in (7 billion euros); or to increase certain taxes concerning air transport, in particular that on kerosene (1.5 billion euros).

“If the strategy of the New Popular Front were implemented, we would give ourselves back budgetary room for maneuver which would make it possible to finance public services” and “prepare for the future” by investing in education, health and ecological transition , underlined during this press conference Lucie Castets, the NFP candidate for Matignon at the end of the early legislative elections.

These proposals are intended to be transformed into amendments, which will be examined in committee and in the hemicycle. The chairman of the finance committee Eric Coquerel (LFI) said he hoped to achieve an “NFP-compatible” budget at the end of the committee examination.

“Last year, in my committee, there were 15 billion euros of amendments consisting of taxing either the ultra-rich or excessive capital income which were voted on. And so this time, we have a composition of the commission and the hemicycle which is obviously even more favorable to our proposals. So I don’t see why it wouldn’t go further,” he said.


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