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GARD Alcide’s first comic book, a hit!

Travels with a donkey in the Cévennes, based on the work of Robert Louis Stevenson and by Alexandre Cot and Marlène Merveilleux.

Lively pages, pleasant to read, a masterstroke for this first attempt (Photo Anthony Maurin)

Alcide is a Nîmes house which publishes books whose specialties are heritage, photography, history, youth, watercolors, literature, diaries and calendars and has recently filled a gap with comic ! « Here is the first comic book from Alcide editions! Accompanied by an illustrator and an author from the Region, we are approaching this new field with what makes our house specific: the quality of production. We have therefore favored a large format and very beautiful printing. », explains Yann Cruvellier, the founder of the Alcide house.

Robert Louis Stevenson, the author of Treasure Islandsets off to discover the land of the Camisards… As he meets, he sketches his characters with verve, starting with Modestine, his endearing donkey. At the heart of memorable landscapes, RL Stevenson sometimes gets lost but faces adversity with elegance and humor, like the evocation of the Beast of Gévaudan or his nights under the stars.

Alcide releases his Travels with a Donkey in the Cévennes, based on the work of Robert Louis Stevenson and by Alexandre Cot and Marlène Merveilleux (Photo Anthony Maurin)

The drawing by Marlène Merveilleux and the faithful adaptation by Alexandre Cot delicately render the epic crossing of the Cévennes of a Stevenson loving freedom and adventure. Yann Cruvellier continues: “ Marlène Merveilleux is not only a talented designer, recognized among other things for her illustrations of the bestseller THE kids Boxcarshe also has a background in classics. It was the perfect meeting with Stevenson. In this very faithful adaptation of Travel with a donkey in the Cévennesscreenwriter Alexandre Cot has retained the very essence of the text, following Stevenson step by step on his journey and mischievously emphasizing the humor of the Scottish author. Here is a subtle, modern and colorful adaptation! »

As a reminder, born on November 13, 1850 in Scotland, in Edinburgh, RL Stevenson suffered from respiratory problems from a very young age which pushed him throughout his life to seek more clement skies. He very quickly devoted himself to writing, abandoning his engineering studies for law. He was called to the bar in 1875 but never practiced as a lawyer.

Alexandre Cot and Marlène Merveilleux revisit the book which is in all the libraries in the region (Photo Anthony Maurin)

In 1876, he met an American woman, Fanny Osbourne. She is married, the relationship is impossible. It is in this context of amorous disappointment that RL Stevenson organized his journey to the Cévennes in 1878. He comes back with new travel literature.

In 1879, he joined Fanny who had meanwhile divorced. They married the same year. At the end of the 1880s, years during which he wrote his greatest novels (Treasure Island in 1883 and The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in 1886), he embarked on a long stay in Oceania. In 1890, he moved to the Samoa Islands where he died on December 3, 1894, at the age of forty-four.

Travels with a donkey in the Cévennes remains a reference book in travel literature. The Stevenson path, a hike that has become famous and known as the GR°70, is traveled each year by thousands of enthusiasts.


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