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Damien Girard visits a nursing home in : “Old age is a major issue in Morbihan”

“In 2030, more than 30% of the population will be over 65,” predicts Philippe Jumeau, deputy for social affairs for the City of Lanester. This Friday, October 4, 2024, he was alongside the mayor, Gilles Carreric, Benjamin Dreano, director of the CCAS (communal social action center), and the director of the Jean-Le Coutaller nursing home, Rozenn Vigne, to welcome the deputy for , Damien Girard. The latter wishes to “highlight what is being done in Lanester, with elected officials who are committed to issues of old age. This is a major issue in Morbihan, where there is a shortage of 1,600 places in structures.”

The Old Age Law, “a broken promise”

Added to this are great financial difficulties. “Today, the ARS (Regional Health Agency, Editor’s note) functions like a firefighter. 60% of nursing homes are in deficit. The Old Age Law is a broken promise from the government,” says Philippe Jumeau. “The State must act,” insists the MP, co-signatory of a letter from Breton parliamentarians to the Prime Minister, Michel Barnier. A message that echoes that launched by the collective of mayors of the Breton collective “Territories of old age in resistance”.

Future gerontological platform in Kerfréhour

In Lanester, the structure, owned by Morbihan Habitat and transformed into a housing center in 2009, has 61 residents. Described by the mayor as “aging”, the nursing home is in its final years. A new gerontological platform will be built in the Kerfréhour district. It will benefit from 75 permanent places and two temporary ones. The architect will be chosen at the beginning of 2025 and the first groundbreaking will take place in 2026, with an opening planned for 2028. The amount of the envelope amounts to approximately €15 million. “It will be adapted to respond to the increasingly significant dependency of residents,” underlines Gilles Carreric. “The staff were also involved in the project because, when the agents feel good, the climate in the establishment is better,” concludes Philippe Jumeau.


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