DayFR Euro

“He is certainly not going to soften now that he is at the gates of power, with him, the awakening will be brutal for the MR and Les Engagés”

The new president of DéFI faces a complicated situation: heavy electoral defeat, loss of half of her deputies, dismissal of 75% of employees, empty coffers… “There is a lot of work, but the activists know to what extent I am hardworking, loyal and faithful to my party,” she said. DéFI will be at a congress in Nivelles on Sunday October 6.

She gave us a long interview in which she talks to us in particular about the trainer Bart de Wever.

A feeling about this Arizona majority which is emerging at the federal level?

Worry and anger. The extension of the trainer’s mission combined with the ban, made by the five parties on their deputies, from voting on any text which does not obtain consensus within Arizona, is the triumph of egos and partiocracy to the detriment of citizens and democracy. At the same time, we put an end to the separation of powers. They prevent the vote on texts on abortion or others that could concern purchasing power or major tax fraud. I find it very cowardly. By acting in this way, the MR and Les Engagés are carrying out a real scam and showing their true colors. Take the text on abortion (to extend the deadline beyond twelve weeks, Editor’s note): these two parties lied to voters by saying that they would support the text and that deputies would have the freedom to vote. The Engagés presented themselves as the Health Party. Here, for once, it is women’s health that is in danger. As for the MR, which claims to be the party of freedom, there is neither freedom of vote, nor freedom of women to freely dispose of their bodies. The future has not brightened for women, it is getting darker. This is once again catastrophic in relation to the image of politics among citizens. I’m tired of always having parties who take voters for imbeciles and who turn around directly after the elections.

That’s because of your anger at Arizona. And for the worry?

These negotiations are confronted with two realities which seem to be denied by the French-speaking negotiators. The first is budgetary reality. Here we have a tax reform which goes in the right direction, the one for which we pleaded during the campaign, but which would represent a cost of 8.5 billion, while Europe is asking Belgium for a budgetary effort of 28 billion. euros over seven years. They tell you that they will not increase taxes because they will finance this with the return effects of their policies, but this is once again taking the voters for fools, all economists contradict this statement. The responses that will have to be made, in particular, in terms of labor market reform are bad: forcing people to return to the labor market after two years will not work. We also have non-existent answers: for everything concerning the fight against tax fraud, for example, there is nothing or at least nothing that has leaked in relation to that. It’s like we don’t even want to deal with it. This is typically the kind of thing on which we could have made progress in Parliament even without a government.

I thought that you were going to talk to me above all about a community fear with this Prime Minister who should be from the N-VA?…

I’m getting there… Of course there is community fear, it’s not a fad. We have the impression that the MR and Les Engagés are as if hypnotized by Mr. De Wever who is suddenly fantastic and constructive. I fear it will be a rude awakening. Mr. De Wever’s objective has not changed, it will certainly not soften now that he is at the gates of power. I fear that they will be forced to give up on issues such as security which is linked to the community, with, for example, the merger of police zones in Brussels which will kill the community police that all these parties nevertheless call for. of their wishes.


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