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Dental center hit by buckshot, shooter flees


Thibaut Faussabry

Published on

Sep 26, 2024 at 7:04 p.m.

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No one was inside at the time of the incident. On Wednesday, September 18, 2024, a dental center from Corbeil-Essonnes (Essonne) was the target of a buckshot shot. The shooter has not been arrested at this time.

He shoots once, runs away and then comes back to film the impact.

The events that occurred at 2:20 a.m. were recorded by a surveillance camera filming the entrance door of the building, located on Place des Victoires, in the Montconseil district.

It shows a hooded man wearing dark clothing approaching slowly, holding a rifle before pull once towards the front door and run away.

Barely a minute later, the individual returned to the entrance of the dental center, without a gun, but with a smartphone for filming the impact of the shot on the glass doorbefore running off again.

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A morning’s interruption of activity

On Wednesday morning, the dental center was unable to welcome the public, police officers who were dispatched to the scene to carry out initial observations and take fingerprints.

Besides the front door, lead shot also caused light damage on a wall inside the dental center.

Contacted, the director of the establishment indicates having filed a complaint after these degradations.

Activity was able to resume normally in the afternoon. This is the first time that the dental center has been the target of vandalism.

“We quickly moved on”

“On the CCTV footage, we can clearly see that it was a kid who fired the shot. He probably wanted to try out his weapon and then film the damage afterwards to brag about,” judges a person who works at the dental center, wishing to remain anonymous.

“Unfortunately, he chose our window, but it could have been the window next door. It’s annoying, but we quickly moved on to something else”he continues.

“The residents and shopkeepers were shocked. It would be necessary more municipal resources to stem these violent phenomena,” believes Azdine Ouïs, a resident of the neighborhood and president of the “citizen and solidarity collective of Corbeil-Essonnes.”

When asked, the mayor of Corbeil-Essonnes, Bruno Piriou, has not yet responded.

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