DayFR Euro

-DU- A “showcase” day for actions to support carers

The SIDSCAVAR carers’ day was held this Tuesday at the Cigales leisure centre in -du-, as part of the Gard Carers’ Days, organised by the Departmental Council.

On the program, information stands from SIDSCAVAR partners and numerous free well-being workshops for caregivers, including hairdressing, manicure and makeup workshops offered by the Apprentice Training Center for, “in an intergenerational framework, pampering caregivers and those being cared for”notes SIDSCAVAR president Farès Orcet.

The apprentices from the CFA in Avignon pampered the caregivers • Photo: Thierry Allard

More broadly, this day was conceived as “the showcase of what SIDSCAVAR offers to caregivers and those they care for all year round”he continues. Because SIDSCAVAR, which operates in the canton of Villeneuve and Sauveterre, has been included in the eight territories of the department distinguished for their actions in favor of caregivers. Next example of action: at the beginning of October, a thalassotherapy stay will be offered to 18 people, half caregivers, half those they care for. On a daily basis, SIDSCAVAR has also set up with its partners a one-stop shop for supporting caregivers, in which the intercommunal union also intends to include health professionals.

SIDSCAVAR partners held information stands for caregivers • Photo: Thierry Allard

Actions put in place to break the isolation in which many caregivers find themselves. “I am my mother’s caregiver, I know what it’s likesaid the vice-president of the Departmental Council Nathalie Nury, who came to inaugurate the event. This day is extraordinary, if I had had that, I would have come because I needed help and I didn’t know where to find it.” The elected official will also recall that the Department had adopted a departmental plan on this issue, in which we find the organization of Departmental Days for Carers this month throughout the Gard. Because, due to the aging of the population, “Today we must stop talking about it, we must act.”


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