DayFR Euro

Michel Barnier considers the country’s budgetary situation “very serious”, Macronists refuse any tax increase

Budget 2025: for Yaël Braun-Pivet, “Parliament has the right to request the necessary documents”

“The effort must be shared by all for fair taxation”assured the president of Ensemble pour la République (EPR) of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, this morning on RTL, who was invited to react following the mention, on the part of the new Prime Minister, of a possible increase in levies. “We must restore the balance of public finances”estimated Braun-Pivet, however, without commenting on the fact that this increase could only concern “the most well-off”.

Furthermore, according to the President of the Assembly, the procedure for the impeachment of Emmanuel Macron is “totally unjustified and completely unfounded.” Assuring that she was opposed to it, Mme Braun-Pivet said that, in her opinion, based on what she “hears” And ” understand “the procedure “cannot be voted on”. “ For me, it’s a non-event.”she added, specifying that the event, according to her, was rather situated on the level “principles and institutions”. “We still have political groups working on installing chaos and disorder.”

On the subject of the 2025 budget, Yaël Braun-Pivet – who said she spoke yesterday with Eric Coquerel, the chairman of the finance committee – acknowledged the need for Parliament to have the necessary documents. “to continue working, to move forward”. “Parliament has the right” to ask for them, she said again.


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