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New rates at the Malbentre swimming pool, municipal projects, ecological transition: echoes from the Greater Villeneuvois agglomeration

the essential
Review of the files studied by the elected officials of the Greater Villeneuvois agglomeration.

Malbentre: attendance is good

The Malbentre aquatic center in Olympic shape. The summer period of 2024 was conducive to swimming in the pools of the swimming pool of the lower Pujols, with nearly 29,500 entries recorded according to the councilor delegated to sports, André Forget, up compared to last summer. “Family customers are back” assures the elected official from Livradais. An introduction before talking about the “simplification of the price list, consistency in the price structure and optimization of revenues”. We will note the removal of the criterion of place of residence on the prices where it was applied to attract more users, to change the free age to 3 years instead of 5 years and a harmonized individual entry ticket at €3.40.

4.3 million euros generated by municipal projects

A new round of competitive funding allocations for the municipalities of the agglomeration. On the Allez-et-Cazeneuve side, a 4-hectare plot of land was acquired, near the village hall, to create a “forest at school”, a recreational area and a hiking trail to Sainte-Colombe. The greenway around the crematorium will also be developed. In Hautefage-la-Tour, the Georges Brassens school will be able to start its work, particularly on the roof and the school canteen. Just like the municipality of Saint-Robert, which will tackle the thermal renovation of the village hall, while Lédat will begin work on the roof of the municipal building located on rue de la Mairie and housing the meeting room known as the computer room. The agglomeration’s governance welcomed this system in support of projects which “generated 4.3 million euros of work for the benefit of local artisans, a good boost for the local economy which contributed to the post-Covid recovery”.

An action plan in favor of ecological transition

A greener agglomeration. The elected officials validated the strategy and action plan for the ecological transition of Grand Villeneuvois, carried out as part of the deployment of the territorial objectives contract “Lot et Bastide”, carried out in partnership with the Mixed Syndicate for the Development of the Lot Valley in Lot-et-Garonne (Smavlot 47). A collective approach that allows working on the subject of ecological transition with the 3 other local authorities in the district. Among the objectives, that of reducing final energy consumption by 50% by 2050 (compared to those of 2012) and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 75% in the territory by 2050 (compared to those of 2012). The action plan is structured around major challenges: “an attractive, sustainable territory to be built together”. A vast program.


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