DayFR Euro

INTERVIEW. Pro D2: “Resigning at the club…” With a smile, Valentin Gayraud proclaims his ambitions with SU

the essential
At the end of his contract, the third row delivered a major performance during the SUA victory in Landes.

Valentin, what state of mind are you in after this first success of the season?

We are very happy. We were waiting for this first victory to start the season. Doing it in Mont-de-Marsan is very good. In addition, we put in some play in the second half. It was beautiful to see, so we are happy.

You enjoyed yourself, unlike the match against

These are two matches that are not comparable. Against Nice, we didn’t play. There was no game. In Mont-de-Marsan, we knew how to play, chain tasks, have quick rucks and our throw-ins…

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Pro D2: what a first for Lucas Martins, author of a decisive try, with SU in Mont-de-Marsan!

“The group is relaxed but very focused”

How do you explain this?

I don’t know. Maybe against Nice, we had fewer touches, so fewer possessions. We were a bit in difficulty too. These are very important factors in rugby. When you have your scrum and your touch, it’s easier to start the game. We knew how to play on the outside on Friday with fast rucks.

We imagine that this victory did you good…

The group is relaxed but very focused on . We switched immediately. We don’t want to stay on the victory of Mont-de-Marsan. We have other objectives and we want to continue on this momentum. We moved on to Nevers.

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“Play as many matches as possible”

How do you see this match?

We will have to put in a big performance to reassure everyone and show that the Nice match was a mistake. We will have to be strong on the basics and the conquest.

What are your personal goals this year?

I hope to play as many matches as possible and have fun. Afterwards, if we can make the final stages, it would be cool to be part of the group, and also re-sign with the club. I started in the minors at Agen. My family is from here. It’s a Source of pride to represent this club and this city.

An error has crept into our previous article. Romain Darchen was hit in the thigh. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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