DayFR Euro

CHALLENGE – Bio Lacavore and Low Carbon in Gers

As part of the event organized by Gers Développement at Ciné 32 in on September 20, a unique challenge was proposed to the heads of the structures wishing to participate: hospitals, company restaurants, training centers, colleges via the catering department of the Departmental Council, as well as the caterer responsible for creating the menu for the 150 guests present at these meetings.

The idea was to create a festive menu using organic ingredients, produced within a radius of less than 51 kilometres as the crow flies (including sugar and spices), the cost per meal of which, correctly paid to the producer, should not exceed €9.50, and the carbon impact no more than 1.6 kilos of CO2 equivalent.

The Fezensaguet college in Mauvezin came out with a very good grade, as did the Simone Weil college in Masseube, the central kitchen in Auch, the company restaurants of Crédit Agricole Pyrénées Gascogne, the École Des Métiers du Gers, and the caterer chosen for the meetings: Ma Pause Bio.

The other establishments did not manage to reach the 100% target, stumbling in particular on the carbon impact, or the respect of the 51 kilometers. The different meals prepared will be served in different places in Gers, and compete in ingenuity, between raw vegetable salad chickpea falafels with herbs and mentholated yogurt sauce, millet and lentil tabbouleh cherry tomatoes cucumbers and fresh goat cheese, coriander and chives, semi-wholemeal pasta, Gers pesto (garlic, sunflower seeds, basil, sunflower and rapeseed oil, sheep cheese), vegetable tian au gratin with sheep cheese, Sichuan pepper or even caramelized melon verrine, Greek yogurt and crumble without butter.

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