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A motorcyclist flashed at 202 km/h on a road limited to 110, and a motorist intercepted at 173 km/h on a road limited to 80 in Haute-Corse

The two drivers had their licenses revoked and had to leave without their vehicles. In Corsica, speed remains the leading cause of death on the roads.

Two major speeding offences checked on the same Sunday. On its social networks, the Corsican gendarmerie reported two cases recorded this weekend by its agents: the first, a motorcyclist flashed at 202 km/h on the RT11, although limited to 110 km/h, near the town of Lucciana. That is an excess of more than 90 km/h.

The second: a motorist stopped on the RT10, near Solaro, by Aléria agents, driving at 173 km/h (speed recorded 163 km/h)… More than double the maximum authorized speed, 80 km/h.

Our two speed freaks each left without a license or a vehicle.“, indicates the Corsican gendarmerie. Who insist: speed remains the leading cause of death on the roads of Corsica.

As a reminder, speeding offences are punishable by fines, and constitute offences in the event of a repeat offence of speeding in excess of 50 km/h.

Without a repeat offence, speeding over 50 km/h is punishable by a fine of 1,500 euros (3,750 euros with a repeat offence) and a withdrawal of 6 points on the driving licence. The judge can also impose a licence suspension of up to 3 years, confiscation of the vehicle, or a ban on driving certain vehicles.


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