Mystery around the murder of a Norman pharmacist in Peru

Mystery around the murder of a Norman pharmacist in Peru
Mystery around the murder of a Norman pharmacist in Peru

By Julien Bottler
Published on Aug 17 ’23 at 5:31 PM

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A pharmacist from Normandy has been found dead in Peru. A murder investigation is opened. (©Adobe Stock/Illustration)

What happened to Germain Tinnière? This pharmacist from Normandy was found dead in a canal in PeruFriday, August 11, 2023. Mystery hovers around this murder.

A Norman pharmacist, killed in Arequipa, Peru

The 36-year-old was first missing in actionafter an evening at the disco in Arequipacity where he lived for several years with his wife, reports the local media La Republica.

Soon after, his body was found by farmers in a canal. It showed traces of strangulation. Since then, the mystery remains and the National Police of Peru is investigating.

What happened to Germain Tinnière?

For the time being, the investigations reveal that Germain went to a discotheque with a work colleague. He was last seen by this colleague in a white taxi.

According to the newspaper Correothe police actively looking for this taxi and suspects a gang of being behind the murder. “The hypothesis of the investigators is that he was taken in a fake taxi and that, when the criminals tried to steal him, there was resistance on the part of Germain, who is 1m80 tall”, write our colleagues.

The pharmacist would then have been strangled and robbed, then his body abandoned in the canal.

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The mystery remains, but the Consul of France asked the Peruvian authorities to forward all information on Germain’s death.

According to our information, the latter was from Verneuil d’Avre and Iton (formerly Verneuil-sur-Avre), in the Eure. He had studied in Rouen.

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