Adult life isn't fun every day. You have to pay your bills on time, take your car for technical inspection… And when you have a chimney, you have to have it swept. If the first obligations seem understood, the issue of this last one struggles to be understood by everyone. “It’s a problem to be taken seriously,” assures heating engineer Houssem El Yousfi, manager of Haut-Doubs plumbing based in Doubs. “There is a risk of poisoning or seeing your house catch fire. »
It doesn't just happen to others
Chimney fires occur more often between October and April, the heating period. Illustration in the columns of your favorite newspaper, with a disaster narrowly escaped on Sunday January 19 in Naisey-les-Granges and a house destroyed a week earlier in Valentigney. Fortunately, the tragedy was avoided in these two cases, but not the material damage. Despite everything, many people believe that chimney fires only happen to other people.
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