The CGT draws the alarm signal

The CGT draws the alarm signal
The Gard CGT draws the alarm signal

Wednesday, January 22, echoing a national mobilization before the Ministry of Finance, in , the Departmental Union of the CGT of organized a press conference to denounce the collapse of the French industrial fabric. Marie Dufresne, new secretary of the Departmental Union, accompanied by Lyazid Aït Ammar, departmental secretary of trade and Lionel Clément, member of the office, has drawn up an alarming observation.

The union manager estimates that 300 social plans in the country are 300, directly threatening 300,000 jobs. “” And this is only part of the problem : each job cut impacts a whole local ecosystem, causing social and economic damage in chain She warns. “” And when one thinks that a job deleted induced four, the breakage is considerable. Not a department in is spared », she adds. Marie Dufresne cites in particular a map of France published on December 12 on the national site of the CGT, which precisely details the threatened or deleted jobs in 2024 by region. In the Gard, companies like Solvay in Salinders with 68 jobs or Royal Canin in Aimargues are present. “” For Solvay, we have already started working with the NGO Générations Futures in order to set up an action plan and propose retraining of the activity. But there is still work, especially on the question of the site's depollution. »

For his part, Lyazid Aït Ammar has strongly criticized current policies. “” We are told about reindustrialisation, but we are witnessing the opposite. Companies receive public aid without the slightest obligation. Where are the counterparts ? It is inconceivable that companies benefit from public funds while implementing social plans. For him, the situation reflects a real abandonment: ” The state must stop being a spectator. We need strong measures to protect our jobs and know-how. “Lionel Clément shares this observation and pleads for an industrial reconquest:” We must rebuild a solid industrial fabric, where workers and territories are no longer sacrificed in favor of immediate profitability. »

The CGT du Gard already announces a public meeting next March to continue mobilization and raise awareness of the importance of public services in this fight. The details will be communicated soon.



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