Faced with the critical deficit of teachers in the Senegalese education system, estimated at 4,527 vacant positions, the government announced the imminent recruitment of 2,000 teachers. Serigne desiibou Badiane, director of human resources of the Ministry of National Education, guest of the RTS television news this Friday, detailed the measures taken to meet this urgency, while exposing the criteria for selecting candidates.
According to Badiane, the deficit in teachers is a national problem, exacerbated in certain regions such as Matam, Kédougou and Tambacounda, where students demonstrated to claim teachers. “The highest authorities, starting with the President of the Republic, recognized the urgency of this situation in the Council of Ministers,” he said.
To remedy this, an emergency plan has been adopted, authorizing the direct recruitment of 2,000 teachers. However, the Director of Human Resources insists on the need for a five -year plan for the lasting management of jobs and skills in the educational sector: “We cannot, each time, proceed to punctual recruitments. It takes a structured plan to definitively absorb this deficit. »»
For this exceptional recruitment, the ministry favors efficiency and immediacy. Mr. Badiane explained that professionals already trained and experienced will be the first targeted. Applicants who have already taught or with a teaching diploma will have priority. “We want to recruit operational teachers as soon as they take office, and not master students or students teachers,” said Badiane. If the pool of experienced candidates is insufficient, recruitments will expand to holders of simple academic diplomas. Only Senegalese citizens can apply. Applicants must be aged 18 to 35. Applicants must be able to work in all regions of Senegal, especially in the most remote areas.
-Mr. Badiane stressed that the most pressing needs are in the peripheral regions, where the lack of teachers is particularly glaring. This recruitment is therefore part of a desire to ensure a better distribution of teachers throughout the national territory.
If this emergency recruitment makes it possible to respond to the current situation, the ministry intends to go beyond by establishing a five-year plan. The latter aims to manage anticipated and effective management of human resources in the educational sector, to avoid systematically resorting to exceptional measures.
This recruitment of 2,000 teachers reflects the government’s desire to deal with the challenges of the Senegalese education system while initiating structural reforms to guarantee quality education throughout the territory.