The second day of hearing at the trial of Johnny Chazar, accused of having raped his youngest for four years in Parthenay from 2018 to 2022, was heavy and intense. Public debates had been marked the day before by the poignant testimonies of the eldest half-sister assaulted sexually also by the incestuous father, of the mother of his daughter today aged 16, and finally that of this victim, who has experienced hell for four long years.
After the psychological and psychiatric relationships of experts describing a manipulative pervert “Not feeling attraction for minors outside of his daughters”the accused spoke to admit everything, including the most unspeakable he had not been able to express until then in a partial recognition of the facts.
“Yes, everything went well like that”: The cunnilingus, blowjobs, digital penetrations but also pennia of the vagina and the anus of his little daughter from her 10 to his 14th birthday. He recognized in the block and detail the degrading bullying or insults, corruption, suffocation with a cushion, threats to the knife … For these crimes committed in recurrence, the forty -year -old faces the criminal in perpetuity.
-“I ask forgiveness, I will assume”
“Incest is a slavery”hammered the general lawyer Anne Lappara before requiring 20 years against Johnny Chazar. At 3:45 p.m., before the jury withdrew to deliberate, the accused had these few words: “I ask forgiveness from everyone, I will assume. »»