A “modus vivendi” do you know what that means?
It means “to live with”, “to find an agreement”. From compromise to compromise there is only one step blithely taken by too many leaders of this country.
Progressivism that hides regression
Cowardice, permissiveness, weakness, mediocrity assumed and elevated to the rand of “value of the republic”, this “progressism” which only aims to hide an immense collective regression.
The French left has become the worst, because first draped in beautiful sentiments, it has gradually drifted into a demagoguery which far from serving the most fragile and the most modest in reality destroys them and keeps them in poverty, in violence, in terrible neighborhoods, or even in a crass lack of culture that will block them forever.
You have to say it with courage.
It was the left that broke down the social elevator.
She broke it.
We don't negotiate with dealers!
We don't negotiate with dealers or delinquents, otherwise it's the end of the rule of law. It's anarchy. It is the collapse of the State (before your eyes) and it is the rise of a narco-State.
In 5 years, we will be worth little more than Pablo Escobar's Colombia.
There will be massive corruption of judges and police officers.
-As now in Marseille, there will be mafias who ask restaurateurs to pay the protection tax in addition to the taxes that have become confiscatory from a French State which is no longer even capable of providing the basis for the justification of its existence, know how to ensure the protection of people and property.
If I would always claim the need for social fiber, kindness, compassion and just and necessary solidarity, I will never, ever be able to give my vote to a left that wants to make me “live with the drug dealers” , who wants to make my children live with drugs, who wants to destroy the very soul of our young people with dripping and destructive demagoguery concerning the legalization of so-called “recreational” drugs.
There cannot be a developed economy in a country without security.
It's that simple.
Our country must pull itself together and quickly. Very quickly.
Charles SANNAT
“Insolentiae” means “impertinence” in Latin
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“By wanting to stifle peaceful revolutions, we make violent revolutions inevitable” (JFK)
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