I believe that our Mozart du Palais is in full cognitive collapse just as France is in full security collapse with the mayor of Grenoble calling for negotiations to be opened with drug dealers, or a boss kidnapped to ask for a ransom and released by the GIGN with a little less thing, namely a finger cut off by the kidnappers to show their “determination”.
While the country is falling apart.
While our country is without a majority, without a budget, tossed about by every wind, the captain of the pedal boat should hold the helm.
He prefers to hold smartphones.
He therefore made a video intervention to explain that in 2025 you absolutely must be able to pay your toll with your phone. Quite a fight for the president.
This pathetic presidential outing inspires two comments in me.
1/ Has anyone warned Macron that in 2025 a simple toll is obsolete, since the highways are in the process of becoming “free flow” therefore without tolls, therefore without cash payment. Macron still suffers from the war of delay and the Maginot line syndrome.
2/ “I want to be able to pay with my phone” is on par with Pécresse who wanted toilets in the metro…
In the USA, they want to go to Mars!
-It's already too late, but all is not lost.
Get ready!
Charles SANNAT
“Insolentiae” means “impertinence” in Latin
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“By wanting to stifle peaceful revolutions, we make violent revolutions inevitable” (JFK)
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