This is a book to keep close to you. “Adopt yourself and reveal your strength” is a self-produced book by Thierry Garot. This work was co-written with the help of Nathalie Pivert-Chalon. In the book, they return in particular to the multiple dimensions of adoption, well beyond the simple legal definition.
Here, the duo invites the reader to discover adoption in all its forms and to discover how it can enrich and transform everyday life. Thanks to testimonies, the reader also moves from theory to practice, to concrete matters. The goal here is to take the plunge, embrace change, reinvent yourself and adopt a new way of approaching life.
This book, explains Thierry Garot, “is your guide to becoming the best version of yourself in a constantly changing world. I hope it inspires you as much as it transformed me.”
Thierry Garot says more in this interview.
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