The National Director of the Central Bank for Senegal, thus underlined that the deficit of the account of goods registered up 7.2% to stand at 3,227 billion CFA francs in 2023. This situation is the result, according to François Sène, a drop in exports up to 10.3%, more marked than that of imports that posted a withdrawal of 2.5%.
According to the BCEAO, due to a less favorable price effect, sales abroad of phosphoric acid, peanut, non -monetary gold and fishery products fell 43.9% respectively; 30.4%; 8.1% and 1.8%. In the same wake, imports of petroleum and food products have registered with 10.5% and 6.4% respectively.
The Minister in charge of Finance also said that the balance of services was characterized by a slight increase of 43.3 billion CFA francs of its deficit (-1573.9 billion in 2023 against 1530.6 billion in 2022. D ‘After Sheikh Diba, this results from the increase in imports of services specialized by oil and gas companies.
The Minister stressed, in the process, that the account of services nevertheless benefited from the reduction in the cost of freight to the tune of 94.8 billion CFA francs, and the good resistance of the ” voyage ” post which has known an improvement of 22.3 billion. As such, Mr. Diba said that “the performance found of the” Voyage “position reflecting the dynamism of tourism activity and generated revenues testifies to the growing attractiveness of the Senegal destination”.
-In addition, he indicated that the surplus of the secondary income account was consolidated at 1818.1 billion CFA francs, under the effect of the increase of 142.0 billion (+8.0%) of transfers of migrant workers’ funds. For the minister, from France, Italy and Spain, these funds could play an even more decisive role in the Senegalese economy, if a significant part of these sums were redirected to projects sustainable development.
It is for him, all the sense of the option of the President of the Republic, Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar Faye, to take full advantage of the skills and resources of the diaspora through the strengthening of entrepreneurship thanks to the investment of The diaspora.
The Minister argued that foreign direct investments (FDI) experienced significant consolidation in 2023 with an increase of 60.5% compared to the previous year. IDEs are 2,905.5 billion FCFA and represent 15.5% of the gross domestic product (GDP). According to him, this dynamic was largely pulled by the investments of oil and gas companies, especially in the operating projects of the Sangomar fields and the great turtle Ahmeyim (GTA).
Bassirou Mbaye