“Let Belgians who do not have capital prepare their water bottles for this social and environmental desert! These reforms, in addition to being unjust, are dangerous because they do not take climate emergencies into consideration. With this project, It is the future of our children that is put in danger,” said Ecolo co-president Marie Lecocq. His colleague, Samuel Cogolati, accuses the future coalition of taking “from the pockets of the poorest: non-indexation of integration income, capping of aid per household, and 2.2 billion savings on pensions”. “Meanwhile, the deepest pockets, of those who pollute the most, continue to fill with the capital gains tax reduced to 5%,” he added.
“Each leak confirms it a little more: Arizona will be a government of thugs. But they should not think they can attack with impunity our pensions, indexes, health care, public services, social protection, … Together with the movement social we will push them back,” warned the president of the PTB, Raoul Hedebouw.
If we are to believe the various leaks, 3.6 billion euros of budgetary effort awaits the Belgians this year, which will reach 18 billion in 2029. A saving of 2.8 billion would be made in terms of employment, in particular by the limitation in time of unemployment benefits, and 2.2 billion in pensions, in particular by tightening the effective working conditions and by introducing a penalty per year of anticipation before the legal age of retirement. retirement.
The future Arizona relaunches the station project at Charleroi airport
For health care, one of the largest budget items of the federal state, the growth standard would be 2.5% this year before falling to 2% in 2026 and 2027, and returning to 2.5 % in 2028 and reach 3% in 2029. According to the first calculations of the PS based on estimates from the Planning Office, the economy would represent no less than 2 billion euros.
“Health is being sacrificed today. It’s a slap in the face for nurses, caregivers and all health professionals who gave so much during the health crisis. It’s also less quality health care for every citizen”, denounced the socialists.
-The resources allocated to development cooperation and science policy would be reduced by 25% and 20% respectively. Savings in public administration and asylum-related spending would represent €1.7 billion and €1.6 billion respectively. The return effects of the policies that will be implemented are estimated at 437 million this year to reach 7.7 billion in 2029.
Arizona plans to no longer index social benefits during the next legislature
In tax matters, net salaries will increase in 2027, with the objective of establishing a gap of 500 euros between work and inactivity. The tax-exempt portion would be increased. At the same time, the indexation of social benefits would be frozen. As a contribution from “broader shoulders”, a tax on capital gains, renamed “solidarity contribution”, is also announced but the rate of 10% previously advanced is reduced to 5%. The tax on securities accounts would increase from 0.15% to 0.25%.
In the future Flemish opposition, the Open Vld attacked new taxes hitting those who “work, save and undertake”. “The symbol of all this is the so-called solidarity contribution. An unsubtle marketing term under which a sharp increase in charges is hidden,” said president Eva De Bleeker.