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Reading time: 3 min.
Gérard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme, great reporters at “Le Monde”, retrace in a thrilling story the investigations of the Court of Justice of the Republic targeting three ministers in office during the pandemic.
Were our leaders up to the task during the Covid-19 crisis? Said more cash, do they bear any responsibility for the death of the 170,000 people killed by the virus in the country? It is these thorny questions that the Court of Justice of the Republic (CJR), the only one authorized to judge members of the government in office or not, has been responsible for answering since March 2020.
From the start of the epidemic, the body received multiple complaints from doctors, unions and individuals denouncing poor management by the State. What followed was an extraordinary investigation, lasting five years, by Gérard Davet and Fabrice Lhomme, great reporters at “Le Monde”, brilliantly retraced in “The Judges and the Assassin” (Flammarion, January 2025). The work, which reads like a political thriller, is also a thrilling dive into the…
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