“In the cardiology department of the CH, we can consider many projects, with great understanding and in a very collaborative way”

“In the cardiology department of the CH, we can consider many projects, with great understanding and in a very collaborative way”
“In the cardiology department of the Dax CH, we can consider many projects, with great understanding and in a very collaborative way”

Always the needs of the territory as a priority! The and hospitals have technical platforms for coronary angiography, rhythmology and interventional cardiology in the broad sense, the hospital has focused its cardiology department on other activities. Dr Adam Dubois explains: “ At the regional level it was not consistent to keep an interventional technical platform in Dax, being so close to the two other centers, so we reoriented the activity towards general cardiology and cardiac imaging. The Landes population around Dacquois is in need of non-interventional cardiologists with general cardiology activity. We have developed a certain expertise in cardiac imaging, an activity for which we are really very rigorous. We play an important role at this level since patients must go through us before being referred if necessary to an interventional cardiologist in Mont de Marsan or Bayonne for the performance of a coronary angiography or for rhythmology, or even in when there is a surgical indication.

We also have two rhythmologists, including one from Bayonne who comes to the Dax hospital, one day a week, to implant pacemakers. »

A cardiology service that listens to these practitioners

The 4 practitioners of the service take turns carrying out hospitalization activities, made up of 15 beds, including 4 CICU beds, consultations, on-call duty, activity on the technical platform, complete because represented by the carrying out trans-thoracic ultrasound procedures, trans-esophageal echocardiography, Holter reading, implantable long-term Holter installation, external electric shocks, stress and effort ultrasounds, exercise test with VO2 and soon, cardiac CT and MRI.

« We have a turnover system to allow the entire team to participate in all activities. What is really interesting for practitioners is the possibility of having a shared activity: if a doctor wishes to do interventional work, a partnership is possible with the Mont de Marsan Hospital. Management also validated the possibility of a liberal exercise in the establishment.

We have management that is very attentive to new projects and we do not have fixed positions. There is real freedom and adaptability of the position depending on our exercise or projects. The objective is to be able to develop the activity according to the profiles of the candidates. There are no bad profiles since, through our collaborations with surrounding hospitals, it is really possible to have mixed interventional and more general cardiology profiles.

For example, we have just recruited a doctor specializing in cross-sectional cardiac imaging who will enable us to develop cardiac imaging, particularly through the delivery of the new MRI, which must be delivered in the coming months.

In addition, the particularity is that we have a shared service leadership which changes every year. All projects are discussed by 4 people and built around a team medical project. This avoids a lot of relational problems. There is a very good working atmosphere and excellent understanding between the 4 practitioners. There is no competition at all, but on the contrary, a great collegiality with a lot of medical staff to discuss files. It’s very stimulating!

Another important point is that we do not have guards on site, only on-call telephone calls after 6 p.m. with a presence for the visit on weekends. The working conditions are very pleasant. » explains Adam Dubois with pride.

An efficient service and project leaders

And if this Dax cardiology service is recognized for its expertise, it is also thanks to a complete quality technical platform. Adam Dubois is enthusiastic: “ We have a well-stocked technical platform with 3 high-performance ultrasound machines (Philips and General electric) which are running at full capacity. We also have an exercise testing room with study of VO2 max and the possibility of carrying out functional exercise tests with dobutamine ultrasound and exercise echo. We also have a cardiac rehabilitation platform with a 5th practitioner who does just that.

Among future projects, we want to solidify the patient pathway for the management of heart failure. On the one hand, we are in the process of developing remote monitoring on a larger scale and above all we have a project to develop a diagnostic and therapeutic unit for heart failure (UTIC) to enable screening and assessment of patients in a different way. by unplanned hospitalization. To develop this activity without it taking up too much medical time, we are training ISPICs (nurses specializing in the management of heart failure). In this way, we can delegate tasks via a cooperation protocol. There is really a desire to work in a collegial, multidisciplinary, team manner.


There is really the possibility of practicing in a stimulating and rigorous environment but always in a family spirit and with the participation of other CH specialists who are also very competent in Dax. Furthermore, therelations with the university hospital and interventional clinics surroundings are very good. The patient journey is simple, we do not struggle to take care of patients with valvular diseases or heart diseases requiring interventional or surgical treatment or even to benefit from expert advice in a short time.

We have real recognition of our service from expert structures and in particular from the University Hospital, we are taken seriously when we send our patients to them, this allows rapid and comfortable care for us and the patient. »

A collaborative hospital in the heart of an attractive area

Want a walk on the beach after a long day at work? a hike in the Spanish Basque country? or a shopping trip to rue Sainte Catherine in Bordeaux? Practicing in Dax is the right choice to easily enjoy all these pleasures and a quality hospital where collaboration is important!

« Dax is a peripheral hospital but not a small local hospital because it attracts all the patients from the west and south of the Landes, a vast territory. The particularity in terms of institutional functioning is that there is a lot of collaboration with peripheral hospital centers including the Mont de Marsan hospital, the Bayonne hospital and the Bordeaux University Hospital.

There is a large number of experts directly in the hospital, in different specialties, which allows us to set up interdisciplinary collaboration on patient care. It’s a hospital on a human scale, you can reach the specialists with a phone call and everyone gets along very well. I experienced this “expertise” and multidisciplinarity aspect at the University Hospital of or Bordeaux but not in other peripheral hospitals where I was able to practice. In terms of quality of life at work, it’s really interesting. This is Dax’s true strength!


Another important point, the territory is super attractive, and personally that’s what convinced me: we are 30 minutes from the ocean, 1 hour from Spain, around 1 hour from Bordeaux by train, close to the mountain and the ocean. We are also only 3 hours from , which is an important advantage for getting to conferences and day training courses.

There are currently still 2 vacant positions, with particularly attractive financial conditions, with the possibility of recruitment under reason 2, the possibility of having an associated liberal activity and authorized part-time work. In addition, accommodation is provided for doctors who arrive for 3 to 6 months while they can find something else. There is real involvement from the management of the hospital and the city to help with the installation, in particular to help with the job search for the spouse or to help with the registration of the children in school. We are really proactive in helping new doctors get established.

Finally, it is an ideal position for a post-internship or post-clinicate for a practitioner who wishes to pursue a stimulating hospital activity without the constraints of the university hospital, with the advantages of working in the public sector combined with attractive remuneration. . »



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