After Firmine Richard's speech, votes for the “Star Academy” final open to the Antilles, Guyana, and Mayotte

After Firmine Richard's speech, votes for the “Star Academy” final open to the Antilles, Guyana, and Mayotte
After Firmine Richard's speech, votes for the “Star Academy” final open to the Antilles, Guyana, Reunion and Mayotte

According to Le Parisien, residents of Guadeloupe, , Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy, Guyana, Réunion and Mayotte will be able to vote for the final of the show “Star Academy”, broadcast on TF1. An announcement which follows the semi-final, during which the actress Firmine Richard expressed her frustration at the impossibility for the inhabitants of the French West Indies to vote.

She did not mince her words… During the semi-final of the 12th season of the talent show “Star Academy, within the Ebony fan club, actress Firmine Richard spoke of her dissatisfaction with the impossibility for the West Indians to vote for their candidate She then called on the overseas diaspora living in to mobilize for Ebony, the Guadeloupean candidate, daughter of singer Thierry. Cham.

A rant, widely reported on the web, which did not go unnoticed, notably by TF1, which finally found a solution.

This Tuesday, January 21, Le Parisien published that the channel announced the opening of votes to all overseas departments and regions (DROM) and to several communities, thus allowing 2.2 million Ultramarines to vote. support their candidate for the final.

Thus, from this Tuesday, the inhabitants of Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, , Mayotte, Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy will be able to vote either for Marine, 24 years old, the young Northerner or Ebony, 20 years old, from Guadeloupe.

Votes only by telephone. If TF1 deployed an emergency technical solution to allow these votes, the integration of SMS, too complex to implement in such a short time, was not possible.


Ultramarines will therefore be able to vote according to the same times as French viewers. The channel also warned that the lines will be closed live during the prime, during the announcement of Nikos Aliagas.

The delayed broadcast of programs on local channels in the DROMs had until then prevented live votes. But now, programs can be viewed live, regardless of the territory, thanks to technological advances.

The winner of the “Star Academy” will win a contract with Sony and a sum of 100,000 euros.

In recent days, music has not been at the heart of discussions on the show. Indeed, Ebony who captivated the public with her voice and her performances was victim of a violent campaign of racism, hatred and denigration on social networks.




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