Laurent Jacobelli and Belkhir Belhaddad will meet at the Thionville court on June 17. Scheduled for this Tuesday, the correctional hearing was postponed for technical and administrative reasons. Regarding defamation, and to prevent the facts from becoming time-barred, a relay hearing, purely symbolic, will take place on March 18.
Defamation, insult, public incitement to hatred
In this case, Deputy Jacobelli is being prosecuted for contempt of a person entrusted with a public service mission, non-public insult and non-public defamation against Deputy Belhaddad. He is also targeted for acts of public insult and provocation of racial hatred against the SOS Racisme association.
The facts with which he is accused date back to October 13, 2023. During a ministerial visit to Hayange, he insulted MP Belhaddad during an informal and private exchange between the two elected officials. “Scum, don’t be a scumbag,” he told her, before asking “Is Hamas okay?” “. An exchange captured by the cameras of Républicain Lorrain.