Under the hood, the Find N5 is equipped with the latest Snapdragon 8 Elite processor. Tests on Geekbench (PKH110 model) revealed an unusual configuration: the CPU has seven cores (compared to the usual eight) divided into 2×4.32 GHz (Oryon V2 Phoenix L) and 5×3.53 GHz (Oryon V2 Phoenix M). According to information relayed by GSMArenaQualcomm has started shipping these specific units to some interested manufacturers and Oppo is among these partners.
The first leaks also reveal an intriguing photo setup. A stolen image of the Find N5 alongside the Find N3 reveals a rear photo module composed of three sensors and an LED flash, arranged in a square on a circular island. This configuration gives hope for continuity in the attention paid by Oppo to the photographic quality of its foldable devices.