The Regional Council approves the creation of regional companies

Held under the chairmanship of the President of the Regional Council, Omar Moro, in the presence of the Wali of the region, Younes Tazi, this session was an opportunity for the Council to approve the statutes, the shareholders’ charter and the contribution to the capital of the “Tangier-Tétouan-Al Hoceima SA Regional Multiservice Company”, which will have the mission of managing water, electricity and liquid sanitation distribution services in the different prefectures and provinces of the region.

The members of the Council also approved, by an absolute majority, a framework agreement relating to the financing of the investment program of the new model of delegated management contracts for urban and intermunicipal public transport by bus.

The members of the Council also approved the other points on the agenda, in particular a certain number of framework agreements relating to the acceleration of the implementation of the advanced regionalization project, to the management of the household waste sector and assimilated for the period 2025-2034, and to a partnership in the field of water.

These also include agreements relating to the program for upgrading rural centers in the region for the period 2025-2027, the financing of the development program for 26 rural centers in the region, and the implementation of the integrated development program of the emerging Zoumi center in the province of Ouezzane (2025-2026).

Speaking on this occasion, Mr. Moro welcomed the holding, in December in Tangier, of the 2nd edition of the National Conference on Advanced Regionalization, stressing that the adoption of these conventions is part of the pursuit of the implementation of the advanced regionalization project, in application of High Royal Instructions.

These conventions, he continued, will also contribute to responding to a set of challenges linked to the management of important sectors, such as the management and distribution of water, electricity, and liquid sanitation, in plus urban and intercommunal transport, as well as the management of development projects.

He also noted that the current mid-term report is the fruit of the work of all the components of the regional council, in cooperation with the Wilaya and in partnership with government sectors and their decentralized services, public institutions, local authorities, civil society and the private sector, as part of a participatory approach agreed since the start of the mandate, with a view to achieving the objectives set jointly and thus achieving integrated and equitable regional development.


For his part, Mr. Tazi stressed that this is an extraordinary session due to the agenda and the assessment of achievements presented there, affirming that many achievements have been made at various levels. and in all the provinces of the region, thanks to the work of the Council and its various partners.

He also noted the persistence of challenges and expectations which require us to continue to work efficiently and to unite the efforts of all stakeholders, in particular the implementation of the framework conventions signed during the 2nd National Conference of advanced regionalization, welcoming, in this sense, the work of all the components of the Council and the involvement of the various partners, in particular the prefectures and provinces, as well as the decentralized services and public institutions, in achieving fair and balanced development between the provinces of the region.

According to the report on mid-term achievements, presented by the general director of services at the Regional Council, Rabie El Khamlichi, the Council’s contractualization rate reached 70% of the projects planned in the regional development program, i.e. 160 projects and 323 conventions, with a budget envelope of 17.85 billion dirhams (billion dirhams), including 6.26 billion dirhams as a contribution from the council.

These projects cover the five axes of the regional development program, namely overall economic development and wealth creation, spatial justice and social integration, cultural influence and enhancement of heritage, sustainable, inclusive and integrated development, as well as governance, cooperation and territorial marketing.

In this regard, the vice-president of the Regional Council, Taoufik El Bourch, indicated, in a statement to MAP, that the assessment of the Council’s mid-term achievements highlights achievements in various sectors and areas thanks to, to the work of the governing office of the Council, stressing that this session was marked by the examination of the continued implementation of the advanced regionalization project.



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