Faced with the confirmed presence of the wolf in Maine-et-Loire, the prefecture is strengthening prevention and support for breeders in the face of the species, which as a reminder, remains protected.
The Wolf Plan provides in particular for the implementation of monitoring – © Adobe Stock
On January 7, the Maine-et-Loire prefecture confirmed the presence of the wolf in Maine-et-Loire. This announcement led to a meeting of the departmental monitoring unit dedicated to the species, this Wednesday, January 15.
At the initiative of the prefect, Philippe Chopin, this meeting brought together elected officials, agricultural representatives, associations, and state services to take stock of the situation and define preventive measures.
Support systems for breeders
As part of the 2024-2029 national action plan, the prefect announced specific aid for sheep and goat breeders in the department. These devices include in particular “ the acquisition of herd protection dogs, as well as training and support for their use ».
This initiative aims to “ strengthen the capacity of agricultural operations to protect themselves against possible wolf attacks, while maintaining a preventive posture against this species, whose protection is governed by strict regulations ».
-According to the prefecture, reports of the presence of wolves mainly concern the south of Maine-et-Loire, where the services of the French Biodiversity Office (OFB) are intensifying their surveillance. A report form is made available to residents on the prefecture website to allow observations to be reported quickly.
The prefect also recalled that “ the wolf remains a protected species and any attack on the animal is punishable by criminal sanctions ».
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