Luc-la-Primaube. An exhibition and a film dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of

Luc-la-Primaube. An exhibition and a film dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of
Luc-la-Primaube. An exhibition and a film dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of France

The MJC organized an exhibition at the Saint-Exupéry space in La Primaube, of the Liberation and the victory in honor of the 80th anniversary of the landings (resistance, objects from the film, uniforms), followed at the end of the evening by a screening of the 40-minute fiction film based on historical facts, “Je ne regrette rien” by Aurélien Fossé-Kitsakis in the presence of producer-screenwriter Maxime Bravo.

“We are in the last months of the occupation. Going to a summons from Charles Marion, Jacques Lespès, sub-prefect of Bonneville (Haute-Savoie) and member of the French fighting forces, falls into an ambush opposing maquisards and police officers …”

Before the screening of the film, the public was able to discover a superb collection of uniforms, badges and equipment of the French army under occupation as well as a poster printed after General De Gaulle's speech given at the radio from London on June 18, 1940: “To all French people, has lost a battle! But France has not lost a battle!” and the words of Marshal Pétain, the French head of state, broadcast on October 30, 1940: “I am and will remain with you in the dark days. Be at my side. The fight remains the same. It is about France, its soil, its sons…”




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