“Environmentalists” have municipal elections in their sights in Aveyron

the essential
In the absence of a greeting ceremony, the spokesperson for the Aveyron group of environmentalists, Léon Thébault-Maviel held a back-to-school press conference.

One way, among other things, of setting the milestones for 2026, in particular by addressing locally issues of national concern. “Our objective is to become the first progressive force in Aveyron”, launches the “green”.

Health, education, travel, public service… With his team, he wants to put on the table all these subjects on which they hardly find any positive aspects. With Laurent Bimbault, Sarah Bonvalet and Claudine Bonhomme, they wanted to be spokespersons for “900 people identified within the environmentalist movement”.

“Communities that can no longer cope with complicated transport in rural areas” which increases precariousness “, passing through “the decline in the number of beds in hospitals and the recognition of health professions”, “the lack of recognition of the teaching sector and agents”, “the regression of the Aveyron industrial basin”


If ecologists have difficulty finding a corner of “green” sky, they nonetheless remain convinced that the “territory” is full of good ideas and motivation. And to launch an appeal to those who wish to mobilize alongside them. “ The important thing is the values ​​we defend, not the logo.”they whisper*.

Likewise, from the perspective of municipal elections, environmentalists “ call for lists of gatherings for the interest of the territories”, they say in the perspective of the municipal elections.



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