The police organize a crime fiction competition for high school students

The police organize a crime fiction competition for high school students
The police organize a crime fiction competition for high school students

For the first time, the national police are organizing a “short thriller” competition for high school students. The Oise police officers will organize several writing workshops as well as a visit to the police station.

The national police and the international festival Quem du Polar create for the first time a literary competition aimed at high school studentswho can compete individually or in groups. Three prizes, “Intrigue”, “Frissons” and “Writing”, will be awarded by a jury of professionals composed of representatives of Quais du Polar, criminologists, authors, YouTubers specializing in True Crime, journalists, screenwriters and publishers, during the 21st edition of Quais du Polar in from April 4 to 6, 2025.

High school students have until February 20 to work on a detective story, a “short thriller”, of 40,000 characters maximum (between 5 and 20 pages), full of suspense, twists and turns and action. Only one criterion: the main character must be a police officer. High school students will be able to apply individually or in groups (by class).

The prize for the winners: media coverage on the social networks of the national police which has several million subscribers, an allocation of thrillers, and “exclusive immersions in national police services”.

“To allow candidates to nourish their writing, the Oise national police will offer a visit to the police station, an exchange with the Commissioner Inard about his job and his daily life, and a writing workshop with Geoffrey Decoëne“. The perfect person for the role. Policeman in the Oise, he has already released 3 thrillers and another for children. “I could not guide the writing since the time left is very short but I could still give some advice and my personal opinion”details the author Goincourtois.

Applicants must register before January 20and make their work before February 20. The sequences with the Oise national police will therefore be organized between January 20 and February 15.

Read also: The 14-year-old Beauvaisian, Ilyess Bida, is qualified for the French chess championships



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