Asylum and migration: more than 39,000 asylum requests in 2024 in Belgium, primarily Palestinians

Asylum and migration: more than 39,000 asylum requests in 2024 in Belgium, primarily Palestinians
Asylum and migration: more than 39,000 asylum requests in 2024 in Belgium, primarily Palestinians

The number of people from the Palestinian territories has increased significantly (+74%) among applicants. They are also the first group in terms of nationality, ahead of Syria, Eritrea and Turkey.

A very large proportion of these 39,615 asylum seekers, or 15,685 people, had in reality already started a procedure in another European country, which can be verified with the fingerprints recorded at the time of the request. According to the “Dublin Regulation”, it is the first country of registration (and not Belgium) which is supposed to be responsible for processing the application. In fact, we know that the application of this principle has always been piecemeal, among other things because it places a disproportionate burden on the main countries of entry, Greece and Italy in the lead.



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