If the difficulty of a file was measured by the number of meetings necessary to conclude it, what would we say about waste treatment at Valorizon? The elected officials of the departmental union were once again summoned this Wednesday, January 15 by President Ludovic Biasotto. The elected representative of the canton of Lavardac presented them on this occasion with the four scenarios envisaged to face costs more than ever on an upward trajectory.
On January 29, during the next union committee, they will have to choose, reluctantly, between an increase of 43, 47, 51 or 63 euros for a ton of treated household waste. It is currently at 191 euros. “This vote on rates will precede that of the budget a few days later. They are excluding tax and excluding TGAP,” specifies the president. This general tax on polluting activities will increase from 65 to 70 euros. A surcharge again per tonne, since the Region has not achieved the waste production reduction objectives imposed by the State.
It will affect all Valorizon member territories. Or the entire department, minus the Agglomeration of Agen. In this community which has an incinerator, while on the side of the departmental union, we bury the trash in Monflanquin or ship it, the TGAP is much lower.
Unfavorable context
Which scenario will be chosen at the end of the month? “The question is even whether one of the four will be selected. The members of the committee now have 15 days ahead of them to think,” underlines Ludovic Biasotto, who knows the context is even less favorable now that the communities of municipalities are switching to the incentive tax.
“Residents are being asked to pay more even though they produce less and sort their trash more and more, with a declining service since door-to-door collection stops,” adds the Lavardacais resident. And how can we not imagine that, for local elected officials, the proximity of the municipal elections of March 2026 could not influence them when the decision is made?