In a home letter Yannick Moreau addresses all residents of the City and the Agglomeration

In a home letter Yannick Moreau addresses all residents of the City and the Agglomeration
In a home letter Yannick Moreau addresses all residents of the City and the Agglomeration

Les Sables-d’Olonne Vendée. January 15, 2025: In a home letter Yannick Moreau addresses all residents of the City and the Agglomeration

In a letter addressed to the residents of Sables-d'Olonne and the Agglo, dated January 7 but distributed on January 15, 2025, Mayor Yannick Moreau indicates his wish to change his life, after 17 demanding and exciting years.

It uses elements already mentioned, indicated or broadcast, notably in the video that he published on anti-social networks…

The most interesting thing in this letter concerns a list of achievements under his mandate, a sort of preliminary assessment, in 9 subchapters, “in the service of the common good”.
A first approach for a report that others, aficionados or opponents, will perhaps write in a differentiated way.

The most worrying thing, some might think, is that momentarily after the broadcast of a video and this letter, he no longer has much to say during the greeting ceremony at the Arena at the end of January. 2025.
We can already reassure them: Yannick Moreau will certainly have kept some revelations to make this evening attractive. His future position? The name of the future candidate he will support for the next municipal elections? A new statue just before leaving?

In the meantime, here are the 9 themes that he highlighted in his letter to residents:
“- the merger of the municipalities which, after decades of controversies and sterile parochial quarrels, is a success and has given us coherence and unprecedented investment levers;
– the creation of our urban community of 5 municipalities which offers us a framework for development and solidarity on a human scale and quality public services (household waste, swimming pools, transport, sanitation) across our living area ;
– the priority given to security in Sables-d'Olonne with the municipal police increasing from 20 to 60 agents between 2019 and 2025. A strength and an asset which makes it possible to hold the City when the level of security deteriorates rapidly in too many many French territories;
– the unprecedented valorization of our heritage (the Villa Charlotte, the heart of Olonne and its church, the Fenestreau lodge, La Jarrie, Notre-Dame de Bon Port, the La Mortière manor, the guardhouse of the Aubraie, Sainte- Abbey, Arundel Tower, etc.) which we bequeath to future generations in a state of conservation much superior to that in which we took care of them;
– the development of more frequent and greener public transport, buses, “Marinettes”, “Tramouettes”, running mainly on hydrogen, electricity or biogas in the Vendée;
– the “Forest Plan” of 1,600 hectares, which self-limits the urban expansion of our urban city and no longer sows new subdivisions in extension of our city but thousands of trees each year;
– the urban parks which restore oxygen to the City (Les Nouettes, Les Chirons, La Jarrie, La Marion, and who knows, when the day comes, if the Sablais decide to do so in 2026, the new Cours Guédon?);
– the remoteness, 85 km from our coast, of a new off-shore wind farm that the State had attempted to plant 15 km from our fishing port and our beaches;
– the growth of new centers of activity such as that of La Basketrie with its expanded medical offer and its Arena. »

Among all these files, some will have been essential such as the defense of Heritage, with the purchase or renovation of monuments – Le Fesnestreau, the Villa Charlotte, the future Museum of the Sainte-Croix Abbey -, the essential fight against proximity of a wind farm, or the attention given to safety in Sables d'Olonne, particularly as the summer holidays approach.
There is no doubt that the vote depriving Cours Guédon of a necessary renovation will have been his greatest regret.

After recalling “ the incredible violence of social networks“, after referring to David Lisnard, Yannick Moreau believes “having given the best of myself” and have “ the honor of transmitting healthy local public finances« .

Whatever mistakes they make – who doesn’t make them? -, the choices made – which can always be contested -, his propensity to put himself in the light, we cannot deny that Yannick Moreau will have been a visionary builder allowing to establish a serene future for the City of Les Sables d'Olonne.



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