The Longueuil Agglomeration Police Service (SPAL) is seeking to identify a suspect responsible for an armed attack during the night from Friday to Saturday in Brossard.
The facts date back to Saturday around 1 a.m. when the suspect stabbed his victim, hitting him in the face in the parking lot of a grocery store located on Lapinière Boulevard.
Taking advantage of the darkness, the individual immediately fled after his crime, taking rue Bergerac, and the police have been looking for him ever since.
A black-skinned man, the suspect is approximately 1.75 m (5 ft, 9 in) tall, weighs 81 kg (180 lb) and has a full beard, according to Longueuil police.
-Clothing particularity: the individual on the run is wearing a dark coat trimmed with fur with black pants and dark shoes, said the SPAL.
Anyone with information that could locate this individual who may be armed is asked to call 911 or contact the Info-Azimut line at 450 646-8500.