Haute-Loire has 95 classified municipalities in circle 1 or 2. In these areas, the protection of the herds d’sheep and goats against predation by loup East subsidized in 2025.
Prefectural decree 2024-076 available on the website of the Prefecture of Haute-Loire defines by municipality, the zonings relating to subsidized operations
. The Circle 1
is made up of a single municipality: Siaugues-Sainte-Marie. The Circle 2
includes 94 municipalities: Alleyrac, Arlempdes, Arlet, Aubazat, Autrac, Auvers, Barges, Bas-en-Basset, Beaune-sur-Arzon, Beauzac, Bellevue-la-Montagne, Besseyre-Saint-Mary (La), Blesle, Bonneval , Borne, Brignon (Le), Cayres, Céaux d'Allègre, Cerzat, Chadron, Chanaleilles, Chanteuges, Chapelle d'Aurec (La), Chaspuzac, Chastel, Chilhac, Chomelix, Costaros, Coubon, Cronce, Cussac-sur-Loire, Desges, Dunières, Esplantas-Vazeilles, Félines, Ferrussac, Freycenet-Lacuche, Goudet, Grèzes, Jullianges, Lafarre, Landos, Langeac, Lavoûte-Chilhac, Lissac, Loudes, Malvalette, Mazeyratd'Allier, Monastier-sur-Gazeille (Le), Monistrol-sur-Loire, Monlet, Montfaucon-en-Velay, Montregard, Pinols, Pont Salomon, Pradelles, Présailles, Rauret, Riotord, Saint Arcons -d'Allier, Saint Arcons-de-Barges, Saint Austremoine, Saint Bérain, Saint Bonnet-le-Froid, Saint Cirgues, Sainte Sigolène, Saint Étienne-du-Vigan, Saint Etienne-sur-Blesle, Saint-Geneys-Près-St-Paulien, Saint Jean-de-Nay, Saint Julien-des-Chazes, Saint-Julien-Molhesabate, Saint Martin-de-Fugères, Saint Maurice-de-Lignon, Saint Pal-de-Mons, Saint Paul-de-Tartas, Saint Paulien, Saint Préjetd'Allier, Saint Vidal, Saint Vincent, Salettes, Saugues, Séauve-sur-Semène (La), Sembadel, Solignac-sur-Loire, Tailhac, Thoras, Vazeilles-Limandre, Venteuges, Vernet (Le), Vielprat , Villettes (Les), Vissac-Auteyrac and Vorey. Finally, the Circle 3
includes all municipalities in the Haute-Loire department not included in the zoning of circles 1 and 2.For the year 2025, the aide
Financial support may be granted for:
• the maintenance, purchase and sterilization of protection dogs;
-• study of herd vulnerability;
• technical support for breeders (in particular training or support for the installation of herding dogs);
• electrified parks (only in circles 1 and 2);
• guarding (only in circle 1). The filing of the request
help is dematerialized on the SAFRAN tool. It can be accessed via the direct link: https://safran.asp-public.fr/ Details of the call for projects can be viewed on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture: https://agriculture.gouv.fr /aids-against-predation
“The complete application must be submitted before July 31, 2025. For any information you can contact the DDT43 herd protection aid managers at or”.