Since then, municipal elections have taken place – on October 13, 2024 – and it appears that four municipal colleges in Wallonia do not respect the regulatory male/female ratio. But according to the responsible minister, François Desquesnes (Les Engagés), who responded, in the Walloon Parliament, to a question from Ecolo deputy Stéphane Hazée on the subject, “the Administration verified that these situations complied with legal requirements”. The municipalities concerned are Crisnée (as in 2018), Fauvillers, Honnelles and Lierneux. In three of them (Crisnée, Fauvillers and Lierneux), there are four men to one woman and in Lierneux, there are five men to one woman.
Let us specify that the code of democracy provides for the exception: “A derogation from paragraph 3 may be made in the event that the political groups bound by the draft majority pact do not include members of one of the sexes in sufficient numbers, and at most up to the number of members of the sex concerned. missing, without prejudice to article L1123-8, § 2″.
Has the Walloon government reduced its ambitions to reduce the number of road deaths?
Women in the majority in 14.5% of colleges
Furthermore, if we look at the gender of mayors, we see that in Wallonia 72% of them are men. Let us remember, however, that under the code of local democracy, it is the person who has received the most votes on the most important list of the majority who exercises the function of mayor. And if the person designated does not wish to do so, he or she cannot exercise a mandate as alderman.
-We also note that in only 14.5% of Walloon municipal colleges, women are in the majority. Very often, but not every time – in Mons for example – in these municipalities the mayor is a woman.
There are also municipal colleges where parity is perfect. This concerns 7.3% of municipalities in the south of the country.