Editorial La Voix Le Bocage
Published on
Jan 13, 2025 at 3:59 p.m.
Its mission is to respond to mobility needs residents not subject to income tax without a transport solution. “These are one-off needs such as medical visits, administrative appointments, but it can also be going shopping or visiting friends,” explained Régine Vallée, local coordinator, during the quarterly meeting which took place. is required to Saint-Aubin-des-Bois (Calvados), Friday January 10, 2025.
Led by the MSA in partnership with Familles Rurales, the service in the Noues-de-Siennois region is based on ten volunteer drivers and their vehicles. For the coordinator, it is essential
after 7 years of existence in Noues-de-Sienne, the system continues to prove its effectiveness. Nearly 140 trips are made each year. The only conditions to benefit from this system are to be tax-free and to join the association (€3/year). The applicant also pays a contribution to mileage costs of €0.37/km, from their home
“Much more than just transportation”
» We don't just pick up and drop off applicants. I think it's a sharing link, almost friendship which is created with them over time. We don't just transport them, we accompany them all the way. We sometimes go with them into the hospital department, or into the corridors of town halls; we help carry groceries. We also talk a lot during the journeys. These are often isolated elderly people for whom this service represents much more than simple transport,” reported Laura Juhel, driver/accompanist for people with disabilities and volunteer for Transport Solidaire for 4 years.
A reflection in progress
And new volunteer could soon join the group of drivers. The system could soon be extended to the sector of Landelles-et-Coupigny “which could then either develop its own network, or be integrated into that of Noues-de-Sienne and Saint-Aubin-des-Bois”, added Jean-Marc Cambier, in charge of the file at Familles nationaux du Calvados. A reflection is underway.
A complementary offer
Note that the Solidarité Transport system is complementary to the new on-demand transport service set up in November 2024 by the La Vire au Noireau Intercom: TIVA, which is aimed at all residents of the territory of the 'IVN (except residents of the delegated municipalities of Vire Normandy, which already have an intramural transport service), taxable or nothaving no means of transport or not being able to move independently. This service allows you to be taken care of at home by reservation around 21 stopping points in the territory of the Intercom de la Vire au Noireau. Count 4 € for a round trip.
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