A pact to rebuild psychiatry in Haute-Garonne

There was a great need for it. Last February, ARS hired a collective work with the actors of psychiatry in Haute-Garonne to act on the entire care sector.

In total, more than 20 million euros in new measures were recorded by this “pact to rebuild the organization of psychiatric care” which brings together all stakeholders in common governance and shared responsibility.

Nine million euros already committed

For several years, ARS Occitanie has been committed to supporting the strengthening of actions in favor of mental health and psychiatric care in Haute-Garonne. Despite this active support, the sector is experiencing growing tensions.

Following several serious events occurred at the start of 2024, emergency measures were taken and a monitoring committee was put in place. On January 2, the Gérard-Marchant hospital in even indicated that it had lost its certification from the High Authority of Health (HAS).

In its report, the HAS requests that the establishment be able to have premises and an environment allowing the dignity of patients to be respected. She mentions rooms and common areas with torn tapestries, torn armchairs.

Besides a lack of hygiene with odors, stained ceilings, degraded sanitary facilities, the rapporteurs also report to the security issues and the non-compliance with basic procedures for preventing infectious risks.

In such a context, all stakeholders recognized the need to conduct a collective and cooperative thinking making it possible to respond sustainably to the challenges of the needs of the population.

Gathered around this pact, the actors in the field wish to initiate, alongside the ARS, a in-depth overhaul of the organization of the psychiatric sectorfor care more geared towards prevention and moving towards, more integrated and more inclusive.

A significant effort is also being made to support the humanization and modernization of establishments who are committed to improving the quality of reception, in particular that of people receiving care without consent.

In practice, the mobilization of stakeholders within the monitoring committee led to the identification three areas of work : reform the structure of the emergency sector, improve pathways and care, and strengthen the attractiveness of the sector.

Signed for the next five years, this roadmap brings together more than fifty measurements already identified and for which a readjustment of allocations up to 20 million euros has already been recorded, including nine million euros are now engaged.

>> READ ALSO: The nursing staff of the USIC of the Toulouse University Hospital on indefinite strike



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